We offer the full range of Cambridge English Certifications, which are the most prestigious series of English language exams and certifications recognized and valued by schools, universities, public and private institutions worldwide. Passing an exam and obtaining a Cambridge English certification allows you to demonstrate your English language proficiency at an international level.

The Cambridge English: Young Learners (YLE) exams are designed to certify the language skills of children aged 7 to 12 and help students take their first steps in everyday spoken and written English. They provide an excellent way to build confidence and improve English language proficiency.

Pre A1 Starters (YLE Starters) is the first level of the three Cambridge: Young Learners (YLE) exams designed for children aged 7 to 12. Taking this exam will encourage your child to learn English from a young age and develop a positive attitude towards language exams. In Italy, the exam is available only in paper format.


Pre A1 Basic of the Common European Framework

Who is this test recommended for?

Pre A1 Starters is recommended for children between the ages of 7 and 8 who have attended around 100 hours of English lessons.

In this exam, your child will:

know the names of colors in english
answer very simple personal questions
respond in one word to simple questions.
How is this exam carried out?

The exam is always passed and all children receive recognition. Your child receives up to a maximum of five badges for each exam session. The number of badges obtained for each test will be indicated on the certificate, which will be sent approximately two months after the exam.




20 minutes

20 minutes

3-5 minutes

Maximum of five league titles.

Up to five Serie A titles.

Up to five league titles.

A1 Movers (YLE Movers) is the second level of the three Cambridge English: Young Learners (YLE) exams designed for children aged 7 to 12. The exam encourages children to communicate in English in real-life everyday situations, fostering a positive attitude towards language exams. In Italy, the exam is available in paper format.

A1 Basic of the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR)

Who is this exam recommended for?
Typically, children taking the exam are between 8 and 11 years old and have attended approximately 175 hours of English lessons.

In this exam, your child will need to:

Understand basic instructions in English
Fill out a simple form or answer questions about themselves
Respond to questions and write simple information (such as days of the week, times, or names) that they have heard or read in a children’s story.
How is this exam conducted?
The exam is always passed, and all children receive recognition. Your child will receive up to five shields for each part of the exam. The number of shields obtained for each part will be indicated on the certificate, which will be sent approximately two months after the exam.




25 minutes

30 minutes

5-7 minutes

Maximum five scudetti

Maximum five scudetti

     Maximum five scudetti

A2 Flyers (YLE Flyers) is the third level of the Cambridge English: Young Learners (YLE) exams for children aged 7 to 12. This exam certifies that your child is able to understand simple English in everyday situations and express themselves at a basic level of English. In Italy, the exam is available in paper format.


A2 Basic of the Common European Framework

Who is this exam for?

Typically, children aged 9 to 12 who have been studying English as a second language for about two or three years (totaling approximately 250 hours of English lessons) are ideal candidates for this exam.

In this exam, your child will need to:

explain the differences between two stories or two pictures;
write or tell a short story in English;
ask questions and use the past tense.

The Cambridge English: A2 Flyers (YLE Flyers) exam is equivalent to the Cambridge English: A2 Key (KET) for Schools.

How is this exam conducted?

The exam is always passed, and all children receive recognition. Your child will receive up to five shields for each exam task. The number of shields obtained for each task will be indicated on the certificate, which will be sent approximately two months after the exam.




25 minutes

40 minutes

7-9 minutes

Maximum five scudetti

 Maximum five scudetti

Maximum five scudetti

La qualifica Cambridge English A2 Key (KET) & A2 Key (KET) for Schools attesta la tua capacità di comunicare in un inglese di base in situazioni quotidiane e ti aiuterà nella preparazione per le qualifiche Cambridge English di livello superiore.

Livello di qualifica

A2 Base del Quadro Comune Europeo

A chi è consigliato questo esame?

L’esame A2 Key (KET) & A2 Key (KET) for Schools è consigliato a chi ha già seguito circa 250 ore di studio o di pratica e parla, scrive e comprende un inglese di base. L’esame rappresenta il primo passo per costruire le competenze linguistiche che ti serviranno per gli studi futuri.

Per sostenere l’esame è necessario:

porre e rispondere a domande su se stessi e sugli altri;
capire annunci e istruzioni orali formulati lentamente e in modo chiaro;
esprimere la propria opinione su ciò che si legge o si ascolta.
Come si svolge l’esame?

L’esame è composto da tre prove. Le parti di lettura e scrittura e ascolto si svolgono nello stesso giorno, mentre la prova orale si tiene in un altro giorno. La prova orale si svolge con due esaminatori e un altro candidato. In Italia, l’esame è disponibile sia in formato cartaceo che al computer.






Time 1 hour 10 minutes

30 minutes

8-10 minutes

pair of candidates




(% of the total)





The Cambridge English: B1 Preliminary (PET) & B1 Preliminary (PET) for Schools qualification demonstrates the ability to communicate in English in everyday situations. It provides you with a good foundation if you intend to study for higher level Cambridge English qualifications.

Qualification level

B1 Independent of the Common European Framework

Who is this test recommended for?

Studying for B1 Preliminary (PET) & B1 Preliminary (PET) for Schools allows you to improve your English when you travel or when your interlocutors speak English.

To take the exam you must be able to:

express yourself about your likes and dislikes and discuss them with others

understand oral or written announcements and instructions

write a personal letter or take notes during a meeting or discussion.

How is the exam carried out?

The exam consists of three tests. The Reading, Writing and Listening parts are held on the same day, while the Speaking test takes place on another day. The Speaking test is taken with two examiners and one other candidate. In Italy the exam is available both in paper and computer format.






Time 1 hour and 30 minutes

30 minutes

10-12 minutes

pair of candidates




(% of the total)




The Cambridge English: B2 First (FCE) & B2 First (FCE) for Schools qualification – formerly known as Cambridge Lower or Cambridge First Certificate in English – certifies sufficient written and spoken English skills to study or work in an English-speaking environment.

Qualification level: B2 Independent of the Common European Framework

Who is this test recommended for?

The B2 First (FCE) & B2 First (FCE) for Schools exam is suitable if you want to take basic or pre-university courses in the English language, work in an English-speaking company or live in an English-speaking country.

To take the exam you must be able to:

write short reports and emails

illustrate an idea or have a detailed discussion in English

understand the general English of television or newspapers.

How is the exam carried out?

The exam consists of four tests. The Reading and Use of English, Writing and Listening parts take place on the same day, while the Speaking test takes place on another day. The Speaking test is taken with two examiners and one other candidate. In Italy the exam is available both in paper and computer format.


Reading and Use of English





Time 1 hour and 15 minutes

1 hour and 20 minutes

40 minutes

14 minutes per pair of candidates

pair of candidates




(% of the total)





The Cambridge English: C1 Advanced (CAE) qualification certifies that your level of English proficiency has reached the standard expected of entrepreneurs, professionals or graduate students.

Qualification level: C1 Proficient of the Common European Framework

Who is this test recommended for?

The C1 Advanced (CAE) exam is designed to demonstrate to employers or universities that you can communicate confidently in English in high-level professional or academic situations.

To take the exam you must be able to:

write reports and emails of a certain complexity and take notes during meetings or university lectures

give presentations on complex opinions in English

understand the most varied texts, from fiction to editorials.

How is the exam carried out?

The exam consists of four tests. The Reading and Use of English, Writing and Listening parts take place on the same day, while the Speaking test takes place on another day. The Speaking test is taken with two examiners and one other candidate. In Italy the exam is available both in paper and computer format.


Reading and Use of English





Time 1 hour and 30 minutes

1 hour and 30 minutes

40 minutes

15 minutes per couple

pair of candidates




(% of the total)





The Cambridge English: C2 Proficiency (CPE) qualification – previously known as the Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English – certifies an excellent command of the English language and its fluent use for complex research and in an academic and professional context. This is the highest level Cambridge English qualification.

Qualification level: C2 Proficient of the Common European Framework

Who is this test recommended for?

The C2 Proficiency (CPE) exam is suitable for showing employers that your English is of a high standard, or for pursuing masters or research doctorates at universities in English-speaking countries.

To take the exam you must be able to:

understand almost everything you hear or read in English

use and understand formal, academic and colloquial language

negotiate, argue and discuss complex topics down to the smallest detail.

How is the exam carried out?

The exam consists of four tests. The Reading and Use of English, Writing and Listening parts take place on the same day, while the Speaking test takes place on another day. The Speaking test is taken with two examiners and one other candidate. In Italy the exam is available both in paper and computer format.


Reading and Use of English





Time 1 hour and 30 minutes

1 hour and 30 minutes

40 minutes

16  minutes for each pair of candidates

pair of candidates




(% of the total)





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